Created in 1997, Trade Game’s origins date back to 1988, when its founding partners started in the gaming sector.

In a first phase, developed through a company of various representations, this activity required a deep dedication, to the extent that the Portuguese market, although small, had a very high level of growth and consequently of demand.

As Diverstock focused its activity in other areas, the need arose to form a company whose commitment to the gaming industry was total.

Thus, Trade Game was born.

Since 1988 Trade Game has been consolidating a prominent position in the supply of equipment and solutions for casinos and can even now be considered a market leader, representing the main international manufacturers of a complete array of equipment and solutions for casinos, such as Slot Machines, Gaming Tables and Roulettes, Money Processing Equipment as well as all other peripherals and systems, for both the back office and front office of a casino.

The work developed in recent decades has been internationally recognized mainly supported by a highly qualified staff and the result of this work would eventually culminate in the ability to develop projects for the opening of casinos and, consequently, in several invitations to lead the development of various projects in the gaming area.

After nearly two decades of accumulated experience in the gaming sector, Trade Game set out to move towards internationalization.

Alongside the process of conquering foreign markets, the company is already developing and distributing products with its own brand to Portuguese casinos, capable of asserting themselves as leaders internationally.

It is in this context that Trade Game seeks partners with strong institutional roots in the territories in which they operate or intend to operate, licensed or intending to apply for gaming licenses, in regulated markets, to explore gaming operations and willing to share with them its knowledge and experience.

Created in 1997, Trade Game’s origins date back to 1988, when its founding partners started in the gaming sector.

In a first phase, developed through a company of various representations, this activity required a deep dedication, to the extent that the Portuguese market, although small, had a very high level of growth and consequently of demand.

As Diverstock focused its activity in other areas, the need arose to form a company whose commitment to the gaming industry was total.

Thus, Trade Game was born.

Since 1988 Trade Game has been consolidating a prominent position in the supply of equipment and solutions for casinos and can even now be considered a market leader, representing the main international manufacturers of a complete array of equipment and solutions for casinos, such as Slot Machines, Gaming Tables and Roulettes, Money Processing Equipment as well as all other peripherals and systems, for both the back office and front office of a casino.

The work developed in recent decades has been internationally recognized mainly supported by a highly qualified staff and the result of this work would eventually culminate in the ability to develop projects for the opening of casinos and, consequently, in several invitations to lead the development of various projects in the gaming area.

After nearly two decades of accumulated experience in the gaming sector, Trade Game set out to move towards internationalization.

Alongside the process of conquering foreign markets, the company is already developing and distributing products with its own brand to Portuguese casinos, capable of asserting themselves as leaders internationally.

It is in this context that Trade Game seeks partners with strong institutional roots in the territories in which they operate or intend to operate, licensed or intending to apply for gaming licenses, in regulated markets, to explore gaming operations and willing to share with them its knowledge and experience.